Future-proofing through collaboration report
Staying compliant and collaborative can be a tightrope walk for organizations in highly regulated industries.
Our research report surveyed over 600 IT decision-makers and dives deep into how businesses leverage collaboration solutions while adhering to strict regulations, uncovering themes such as:
- Functionality gaps: Over 90% reported successful implementations but 71% agreed end users ignore best practices
- Driving improvement: 71% agreed that it is challenging to get useful feedback from end users on new IT software
- Streamlining compliance: How collaboration tools help high-compliance industries compared to those with none
- Trustworthy collaboration: Over 70% of IT leaders are concerned with data storage and security
Finding harmony between security and productivity can catapult organizations ahead of their competitors, but understanding this connection between security and the day-to-day reality of the end user is vital in finding that harmony.
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Looking beyond implementation rates
High implementation rates for collaboration tools paint a rosy picture, but a deeper look reveals a potential disconnect. Our research uncovers challenges in user adoption, training and overall satisfaction despite reported success.
This raises concerns about data security, compliance and whether these solutions truly meet workforce needs. We explore the gap between IT leadership's perspective and user experience to understand if current collaboration tools are fostering a secure and productive environment.
Key Takeaways
Staying compliant doesn't have to mean sacrificing efficiency
Our report covers the strategies organizations are using to seek improvements and the factors driving them.
This report delves into how collaboration tools help high-compliance industries work together efficiently while meeting regulations.
The research explores the challenges organizations face with current collaboration features.
We examine the level of trust in existing solutions and how platforms can build user confidence.
The report investigates the factors motivating organizations to improve their collaboration processes.
Close the gap between end users and decision makers
Discover how to make a difference in security and productivity