Agile auditing: how to plan, communicate and embed
Based around flexibility and iterative planning, it's important to understand the position agile auditing can hold in your business and the key benefits you will see as the connection between plans and changes in the organization take place.
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Agile auditing: how to plan, communicate and embed
With a lot of change and uncertainty on the horizon, internal audit must continue to adapt to manage these risks. Adapting an agile approach offers auditors a chance to prioritize audits based on their importance and urgency, enabling them to pivot rapidly to protect and enhance organizational value.
Key takeaways:
Traditional "waterfall" approach vs agile internal audit approach
Discover the flexibility agile auditing offers and the principals at its core.
How technology facilitates agile auditing
Learn more about how technology solutions can positively impact your auditing and how it supports an agile audit approach.
Key benefits of agile auditing
From accelerating your audit delivery cycles to the empowerment of teams.