Client engagement survey 2022
An independent survey of over 250 accounting and advisory professionals in the UK has explored the connection between the client experience and data security. At the heart of this are the methods firms use to collaborate with their clients, including the sharing of sensitive documents.
The results show that the need to work both transparently and at pace on client projects means that the most convenient ways of communicating often out-weigh the most secure option. At the same time, there are clear signs that the more channels there are for sharing data, the more fragmented the collaboration process becomes.
This report highlights the risks that these factors present, along with the commercial impact on client relationships. The context behind this survey is to increase the focus on cybersecurity in the industry, bring to light the upsurge in remote working and to show the growing desire to embrace new technologies, from both clients and industry professionals. A common thread throughout is the need to retain clients by keeping projects on time and on budget.
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