Essential holiday reading list for safety professionals
Allie Kroeger, MS, OHST, CSP, EHS Director at Buckeye Elm Contracting, has more than a decade of experience as an EH&S professional. Allie stands as a distinguished authority in environmental, health, and safety matters. Her academic background includes a bachelor's degree in environmental health and a master's in occupational safety and health management and she is currently pursuing a PhD in safety sciences and engineering through IUP.
Throughout her career, Allie has demonstrated exceptional competence in overseeing workforce safety across diverse sectors, including oil and gas, manufacturing, remediation, and construction. Her remarkable achievements have earned her industry-wide recognition, including the prestigious title of Rising Star in Safety by the National Safety Council in 2021 and a nomination for Region VII Safety Professional of the Year in 2022.
Notably, she serves as an area director for the American Society of Safety Professionals, actively contributing to the development of industry standards and the promotion of best practices.
In my career, regardless of demographic, I have found that there is a stigma for women in safety and leadership. I looked to readings that helped guide and improve my confidence. The books listed below are just that… recommendations; however, they each serve a point to finding yourself as a safety leader and how to bond with humanizing the role. I feel that is missing in the industry for safety and health professionals.
The role is not humanized; it is looked at as a policing approach when it is the complete opposite. You are a therapist, a friend, a realist, a practitioner, an officer, a parent, and the list could go on and on.
I believe these readings each serve as a valuable intake to determining a practical approach to building confidence and culture in safety excellence. I understand the challenges and stigmas that can arise in specific industries. It is commendable that you seek to improve your confidence and navigate the unique obstacles you face as a leader in safety or influencer. I appreciate your commitment to personal and professional development through relevant readings.
These are a few books I have decided to surround myself with and learn from that are relevant to me personally and professionally.
Think Again – Adam Grant
This book makes a great effort to portray different scenarios in life and the workforce related to personal health, management, and even policies. It allows you to see a different perspective based on putting yourself in another person’s shoes.
Switch – Dan & Chip Heath
Switch asks why making lasting changes in our companies, communities, and lives is so hard. The primary obstacle, say the Heaths, is a conflict built into our brains. Psychologists have discovered that our minds are ruled by two systems—the rational mind and the emotional mind—competing for control. The rational mind wants a great beach body; the emotional mind wants that Oreo cookie. The rational mind wants to change something at work; the emotional mind loves the comfort of the existing routine. This tension can doom a change effort, but change can come quickly if overcome.
The Unthinkable – Amanda Ripley
The Unthinkable introduces the “survival arc” of actions and reactions when experiencing disaster. Ripley identifies three phases within the survival arc: denial that anything is wrong, deliberation on options considered, and decisions on what we should or should not act upon.
Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office – Lois Frankel
This book focuses on why women often don't make it to the top ranks in the business world. Frankel explains how women unconsciously behave in ways that undermine their business aspirations and presents female readers with measures to counteract their self-defeating behavior consciously.
Safety Walk Safety Talk – David Allan Galloway
In my experience, organizations with the best safety performances do not have a secret. They do a lot of small things collectively and strategically well. That’s really what this book is about. It is a collection of leadership concepts, thoughts, words, and actions that (when strategically implemented) can move your organization toward a better safety future. There are no ‘silver bullets’ here. On the other hand, you don’t have to do all these things to succeed in your safety journey.
How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
Its crucial life lessons, conveyed through engaging storytelling, have shown readers how to become who they wish to be. With the newly updated version of this classic, that’s as true now as ever.
Steps to Safety Culture Excellence – Shawn Galloway
Understanding that accidental injuries are the number one cause for every age group, this book helps break down to basics. Start from stage 1 to build your effective safety program and build up.
How to Not Suck as a Manager – AP Grow
Because being a good leader is not about being the best. It’s about making everyone else better than you. It’s an entirely separate skill set from your functional role, yet many managers neglect this when considering promoting someone. I know from experience it’s terrifying to become a people manager and realize you have no idea how to manage people — and not have the coaching or help you need to learn how. This blog post is for everyone in that situation now or plans to be in the future (or needs an excellent little refresher).
In conclusion, I highly recommend exploring this thoughtfully curated holiday reading list for safety professionals in 2023.
These books offer a wealth of insights and inspiration, and they are not mere recommendations; they are powerful tools to help you build confidence and humanize the role of safety leadership. They address the challenges and stigmas prevalent in our industry, providing valuable guidance on personal development, change management, and fostering a culture of safety excellence.
As you immerse yourself in these readings, remember that you are more than just a safety officer; you are a multifaceted professional with the power to make a meaningful impact. Embrace these resources, and you may find yourself on a transformative journey towards personal and professional growth. Here's to a successful and safe year ahead!