Ideagen WorkRite learning library
Elevate your workforce development with Ideagen WorkRite learning library - designed to enhance compliance, employee wellbeing and keep your workforce protected.
Ensure consistent and effective health and safety training
Ideagen WorkRite is a health and safety e-learning management system where everyone can help create a safe and healthy workplace.
Deliver easily accessible online training to employees, track their progress and identify gaps while being confident in your compliance with health and safety regulations.
- Manage flexible training
- Compliance and audit readiness
- Interactive learning
- Track progress, save time
- Hybrid working (DSE) course
Business compliance learning library
Legal, regulatory and information security compliance.
- Equality and diversity
- Anti-bribery and corruption
- Anti-money laundering
- Cybercrime
- Unconscious bias
- Whistle blowing
People and wellbeing learning library
Our most popular library items in the people and wellbeing section:
- Bullying and harassment
- Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
- Mental health awareness
- Workplace stress
- Conflict resolution
- Driver awareness
Health & safety learning library
Our most popular library items in our health and safety section:
- First aid awareness
- Fire awareness
- Manual handling
- Office risk assessment
- Office health and safety awareness
- Working at height
- COSHH awareness
Environmental learning library
- Environmental awareness
- Energy awareness
- Energy reduction
- Asbestos awareness
- Spill prevention
- High voltage
- Emergency spill response