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Top management commitment to quality
Having management committed to quality is essential for an effective quality management system, especially one that can continually improve. In this webinar, Melanie Ross explains why having a top management that “buys in” to quality is so important.
In essence, as Melanie will explain, quality needs to be embedded in an organization from top to bottom. It’s not enough to expect all staff to be on board just by implementing the system and hoping it is followed. Top management need to demonstrate their commitment to quality to get everyone on board.
So watch the webinar today to learn the why, how, and the dos and don’ts of a top management commitment to quality.
- Learn why it is so important to have top management committed to quality
- Understand the role management has to play in key standards like ISO 9001 or ISO/IEC 17025
- Learn how, as management, you can demonstrate a commitment to quality
- Find out how to get full buy in to quality from the bottom up
- Understand how quality management software plays a key role

Melanie Ross has over 20 years of experience in quality assurance, quality control, and quality management. She has worked in several different industries, including chemical, biological, oil and gas, and aerospace. Her main role in each of these industries was the development of management systems, including internal audit programs, vendor qualification procedures, and implementation of lean six sigma. Currently, Melanie is a Technical Products Developer for ANAB designing and delivering training courses and supporting client outreach through business development activities. Her role serves as a technical resource to customers, assessors, and other interested parties.