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Navigating awkward audit findings in the public sector
Are you ready to navigate the delicate balance between truth and diplomacy in the world of public sector auditing?
In the realm of internal audit, uncovering uncomfortable truths is part of the job description. Join us for an enlightening webinar as we delve into the intricacies of handling awkward audit findings in the public sector.
Key takeaways:
- Understanding the landscape: Internal audit often unveils realities that those in power may prefer to keep hidden. We will discuss best practices on how to navigate this terrain.
- Mastering diplomacy: Balanced audit reports are essential, but negative findings can attract unwanted media attention. Discover strategies for listening to pushback while discerning valid concerns from attempts to deflect the truth.
- Negotiating upward: How do you audit superiors without damaging trust or incurring retaliation? We will explore the safeguards in legislation and practical tactics for maintaining professionalism and trust.
- Handling negative findings: When faced with adverse audit results, learn the art of prompt communication, explanation of importance and maintaining professionalism while standing firm in your assessment.
- Building trusting relationships: Establishing rapport with superiors is crucial for promoting the positive impact of audit work. Gain insights into fostering constructive relationships that amplify the value of your contributions.

Stephanie is a Certified Internal Auditor and has served as District Advisor for the Midwest Region of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). Her 12-year career as an audit practitioner includes managing Sarbanes-Oxley testing, reporting, and co-ordination at Compass Minerals and several years running teams and projects for insurance companies. Stephanie now applies her experience as the head of Ideagen's internal audit and risk management platforms.