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Internal Audit feature release 1.7
Discover the latest features that have been released into the new technology version of Ideagen Internal Audit.
If you’re already using the new technology version of Ideagen Internal Audit, then these updates will have already happened for you automatically.
Please note that these updates do not apply to the Pentana or MK versions of the software, but the release webinars are a great opportunity for you to see what’s available in the new technology.
The webinar includes a live Q&A and demonstration, but don’t worry if you can’t make it: the session will be available to watch on-demand.
Key takeaways
- Notification updates
- In-app notifications
- Tabular reporting
- Creation and configuration
- Timesheets
- Timesheet periods
- Timesheet tasks
- Filling out and timesheet workflow

Stephanie is a Certified Internal Auditor and has served as District Advisor for the Midwest Region of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
Her 12-year career as an audit practitioner includes managing Sarbanes-Oxley testing, reporting, and co-ordination at Compass Minerals, plus several years running teams and projects for insurance companies.
Stephanie now applies her experience as the Head of Ideagen's Internal Audit and Risk Management platforms.