Exclusive access: Explore Ideagen WorkRite for free
Deliver easily accessible online training to employees, track their progress and identify gaps while being confident in your compliance with health and safety regulations. You are invited to try Ideagen WorkRite and experience full access to any of the courses in the platform for 30 days.
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Why Ideagen WorkRite?
By accessing our 60+ courses in Ideagen WorkRite, you can discover how to transform your workplace training with customizable courses and effortless trainee data management. Ideagen WorkRite adapts to your devices, so you can access records, track progress, and ensure compliance with ease.
Experience the benefits first-hand:
Manage flexible training
Compliance and audit readiness
Interactive learning
Track progress, save time
Hybrid working (DSE) course
Get 30 days free access
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Ideagen WorkRite has a comprehensive catalogue of courses that include:
Trusted by leading brands

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Elevate your workforce development with Ideagen WorkRite. Request your 30 day free trial today.