Document co-authoring and review practices
For every 100 hours spent on a document review, 65 hours are typically wasted unnecessarily on tasks that can now be either automated or eliminated.
In this guide, we look at how to enhance the value and increase the efficiency of document reviews by using software that automates laborious and time-consuming tasks. We will consider how highly regulated industries— globally, can implement a simple technology solution to reduce their document review times by 65% and therefore cut costs associated with the review by 35%.
When adopting a new technology solution, time and cost savings are tangible indicators of ROI (return on investment). However, we will also explore the less tangible—but equally important—benefits of improving document review practices: the enhanced quality, focus and transparency of reviews. We will examine real-life examples of leaders that have invested in the digital transformation of their document review practices and explore how you can draw on their key learnings within your organization.
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