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Improving efficiencies in the laboratory
‘Improving efficiencies’ is a term often used by management which, at the operations level, is interpreted as cutting staff, doing more with less and a host of other negative assumptions. However, this on-demand webinar will challenge this method of thinking by making process improvement a collaborative and creative process instead of making bricks without straw.
We look at facilitation, brainstorming and risk management processes. Additionally, gain an understanding of the tools that can help to improve performance, enhance employee engagement and reduce errors, whilst ‘improving efficiencies'.
Key takeaways
- Gain an appreciation of the paradigm shifts in the ISO community that benefit businesses
- Understand the key facilitation techniques that can stimulate a culture of teamwork and process ownership
- Identify methods to help remove barriers to production and minimize risk
- Learn how to utilize these workflows when moving from a “paper-based” data management system

Tim serves as the Vice President of A2LA WorkPlace Training, a company which provides training and consulting on management systems, business processes and measurement science. Through NCSLI, he served as a technical expert to ISO Working Group (WG) 44 which was responsible for the crafting of the latest revision of ISO/IEC 17025. In addition, he managed committees on the development of handbooks and several NCSLI Laboratory Management standards and Measurement Science Recommended Practices. He has also contributed as a technical expert to the development of some of these documents. Tim has leadership experience in laboratory and quality management for both calibration and testing laboratories.