Quality Management helps The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre provide effective clinical incident reporting
The problem facing the limited resources of the Clinical Governance team of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust, was that the only way this could be achieved with their current system was to manually input the data into their QMS and to repeat that manual input, with additional fields, into the complex NRLS form – a process that proved so time consuming it was impossible to complete for all clinical incidents. As a result, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre was unable to meet the NPSA requirement without the introduction of change.
By using the Incident and Occurrence modules within Ideagen Quality Management, the NRLS form could be replicated and batches of incidents automatically uploaded to the NRLS system at pre-determined intervals.
- Direct link from Quality Management to the NRLS removes previous manual tasks and reduces reporting times by a third
- NRLS form is replicated within Quality Management and batches of incidents are automatically uploaded to NRLS system at pre-determined intervals
- The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre has gone from being a NPSA ‘under reporter’ to meeting their requirements simply and efficiently
- Improved integrity and timeliness of internal and external reporting
The difference in being able to automatically upload our Clinical Incidents electronically through Quality Management has been amazing.